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Know Your Notary Agent

About us

I’m delighted to introduce myself to you and provide a glimpse into my professional and personal life. Born and raised in the Yuba Sutter area, My name is Janae Morris and I am not just a dedicated, notary public, loan signing agent, but I am also a licensed realtor, with a solid background in real estate, I understand the importance of meticulous attention to detail and legal compliance. Whether you need assistance with notarizing real estate documents or require guidance in your property transactions, I bring a comprehensive understanding of both the notarial and real estate worlds to ensure a seamless experience.

Outside of my professional pursuits, my life revolves around my loving family. I have been blessed to be married to my childhood sweetheart, and together we have two wonderful children: Nathan, our energetic and artistic boy, and Jessa, our unique and creative girl. They are the center of my world, and spending quality time with them is truly a treasure. Whether we’re engaging in fun activities, exploring new places, or simply enjoying quiet moments together, my family fills my heart with love and joy.

In addition to family time, I have a few passions that fuel my soul. Riding and racing dirtbikes alongside my husband is an exhilarating adventure that ignites our shared love for speed and adrenaline. It’s an invigorating way for us to connect and challenge ourselves on the tracks. Moreover, I have a creative side that finds expression through photography. Armed with my trusty DSLR (NOW Mirrorless) camera, I love capturing precious moments, stunning landscapes, My kiddos and the beauty that surrounds us.

This website serves as a platform to showcase my expertise as a notary and realtor, as well as to offer a glimpse into my life beyond the professional realm. Here, you’ll find information about my real estate and Notary services, testimonials from satisfied clients, and even a gallery where I share some of my favorite photographs.

Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope you enjoy exploring the various aspects of my life and services. If you have any questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m here to guide you through your notarial and real estate needs with professionalism, knowledge, and a warm, personal touch.

Warm regards,

Janae Morris

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